Prisoners of the Census

Record numbers of urban people of color are now in prisons in rural areas — where the census counts them as residents. Result? The prisoners’ ‘share’ of federal funds pegged to population counts will go to their keepers’ hometowns. By...

Plight Deepens for Black Men, Studies Warn

By ERIK ECKHOLM New York Times Published: March 20, 2006 BALTIMORE — Black men in the United States face a far more dire situation than is portrayed by common employment and education statistics, a flurry of new scholarly studies warn, and it has worsened in recent...

Overall Ramifications

Saving Our Sons In School An Ultimate Guide To Understanding And Educating Young Black Males By Richard Clay (A Future Publication) If you live or teach in an urban or predominantly Black area, you shouldn’t need any statistics to tell you that the already deplorable...


How Minority Youth Are Being Left Behind by the Graduation Rate Crisis A Joint Release By: The Civil Rights Project at Harvard University The Urban Institute Advocates for Children of New York The Civil Society Institute Authors: Gary Orfield, Daniel Losen, Johanna...