by | Aug 8, 2020 | Articles
Since 2008, has served as the world’s premiere website for information and solution-oriented strategies on the plight of young Black males in America. It is an online educational resource for activists, teachers, parents, policy-makers, students,...
by Miriam Jaber | Sep 1, 2021 | Articles
2020 changed the relationship between student-athletes and the NCAA Ringing in the new and ringing out the old! For generations to come, 2020 will be studied and analyzed by students and historians alike. For those who lived through it, the pandemic was unforgettable....
by Arianna Prothero | Sep 1, 2021 | Articles
As COVID-19 vaccines roll out and more schools inch toward fully reopening for in-person instruction, educators and policymakers are rightly focused on getting students caught up academically. But that will be only half of the battle. The pandemic, combined with a...
by Colorado State University | Sep 1, 2021 | Articles
In one particular form of family violence, a parent tries to damage a child’s relationship with the other parent. The outcome of these behaviors is called parental alienation, and it can result in a child’s ultimate rejection of a parent for untrue,...
by Rosalie Aguilar-Santos | Sep 1, 2021 | Articles
It should come as no surprise that the pressure to be available 24/7 on social media is a very real challenge for today’s teenagers. Aside from the fact that their grasp of and dependence on social media far exceeds that of many adults, they also are using...
by Sherri Gordon | Sep 1, 2021 | Articles
It should come as no surprise that the pressure to be available 24/7 on social media is a very real challenge for today’s teenagers. Aside from the fact that their grasp of and dependence on social media far exceeds that of many adults, they also are using...